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  • What are the rules for customers?
    We will alert you of upcoming sales via our Instagram. When the sale goes live, we will post key items in Instagram with a shopable post. You can view all items at the Shop page in the menu above or by using the link in our bio on Instagram. To claim an item, simply purchase using the "tap to shop" button on Instagram or purchase directly in our online shop. Please remember we have only one of every item, so if you want it, be sure to buy it! All orders will be fulfilled within 3 business days. We do our best to group items together if you've purchased more than one.
  • Can I return an item?
    We do not accept any returns or exchanges.
  • How much is shipping?
    Shipping is priced by weight with USPS. We have strict rules regarding what can be shipped in certain size packages. Please follow these guidelines while checking out.
  • When will items be listed?
    We will give you a heads up (via Instagram) when we are launching a new influencer's items. We will have a set launch date when all items will be available in our online shop. You can view the link in our Instagram bio to head directly to our online store, or you can shop via our Instagram feed.
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